We at P.E. Pennington & Company, Inc are a proud supporter of Our Calling.
The condition of homelessness afflicts thousands of people in our midst every day. “At OurCalling, we believe that the path to a healthy and productive lifestyle should be open to everyone—but none of us finds that path alone”.
Pets Helping People owns and operates Muddy Paws Dog Grooming as its training facility. Volunteers, badged by the Oklahoma Department of Corrections, transport program trainees from DOC facilities to the shop throughout the training cycle. Program participants are trained by a Certified Master Dog Groomer and are equipped to work as bathers/brushers, kennel technicians or groomers upon graduation. Learn more on how you can participate in helping at https://www.muddy-paws.org/
A World Where Everyone Has A Decent Place To Live
At Dallas Area Habitat for Humanity, we see a Dallas where every neighborhood is proud and we are proud of every neighborhood. To move us closer to this vision, we need to understand how homeownership fits into the picture of the Dallas we want to build.